Her First Alligator

Pictured is Bailey Pedersen with her first alligator. The alligator was taken on Lake Marion during the South Carolina alligator season. Bailey is the daughter of Joel and Lisa Pedersen of Edgefield.
Pictured is Bailey Pedersen with her first alligator. The alligator was taken on Lake Marion during the South Carolina alligator season. Bailey is the daughter of Joel and Lisa Pedersen of Edgefield.
A youth coon hunt will be held in Edgefield Saturday, Nov. 3, sponsored by the Red Hill Houndsmen Association. It’s part of a series of nine youth coon hunts to be held around South Carolina from October through February, sponsored by the S.C. Department of Natural Resources and the S.C. Coon Hunters Association. For more […]
Toxoplasmosis, a one-celled parasite found in many meats, can occur in South Carolina deer, but venison is not the only source of the disease, says a state Department of Natural Resources deer biologist. “Many people concerned about eating venison, or deer meat, have called the department asking about the likelihood of exposure to toxoplasmosis,” said […]
The NWTF reports: Due to circumstances beyond our control, the 2012 NWTF Southeast Regional Calling Championship that was to take place Oct. 13 at the Exchange Club Fairgrounds in Augusta, Ga., has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. For questions or information about other upcoming calling contests in your area, contact […]
So Why is the Topic Still So Murky? By Tiffani Ireland – As previously reported by The Advertiser in our Aug. 22, 2012 edition, the law regarding deer baiting in South Carolina received clarification earlier in the year with an opinion issued by the SC Attorney General’s Office. In that Jan. 8, 2012 opinion, Attorney […]
and How it Led to the Current Controversy By Tiffaani Ireland – The current tide of confusion regarding deer baiting in South Carolina leads one to ponder how did we get to this? Specifically, one might ask how can baiting for deer be legal in one SC county but illegal in another? The matter […]
Pfc. Brian M. Welch of Gray Court was awarded the title of statewide S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR) wildlife officer of the year for 2012 during ceremonies held Sept. 21 in Columbia. Four other officers were also honored for their dedication in protecting the state’s natural resources through enforcement, education, special investigations, intelligence and […]
DNR issues the following statement to clarify the law on hunting deer over bait and to help guide the public in the upcoming deer season. Recent decisions by a Greenwood County magistrate and the state Attorney General’s Office have overturned the long standing prohibition against hunting deer over bait on private lands in the Upstate. […]
APPLING, Ga. – Sean Anderson of Saluda, S.C., and George Berry of Batesburg-Leesville, S.C., claimed the $5,000 first prize at the NWTF Bass Bonanza Sept. 22 at Wildwood Park on Lake Thurmond. “I’ve won several tournaments, but nothing big like this before,” said Berry. “My partner found a lot of good fish.” Anderson won a […]
The heavily populated deer woods surrounding Edgefield and Saluda Counties in South Carolina will be filled with approximately 40 disabled hunters October 26th and 27th 2012. Many of these hunters will be anxiously waiting to fill their tags while others are hoping to get a glimpse of their first whitetail. This group of hunters will […]