Scenes From Heritage Jubilee Festival 2013

Photos by Robert Norris, taken Saturday, September 28, 2013 at the Heritage Jubilee Festival in downtown Edgefield.
Photos by Robert Norris, taken Saturday, September 28, 2013 at the Heritage Jubilee Festival in downtown Edgefield.
Andrew Jackson Academy 0, Wardlaw Academy 52
Southern Studies Showcase 2013 Block Party held on the Edgefield Town Square, Friday evening, September 20, 2013. Photos by Robert Norris
Jefferson Davis Academy 8 – Wardlaw Academy 49 Photos by Robert Norris
– By Tiffani Ireland – If the crowds were any indication, the 8th annual Sandy Oaks Pro Rodeo was a definite success. Even Friday night, when the event contended with area football games for attendees, the bleachers were full. However, Saturday night’s event saw standing room only as every available seat seemed taken! While all […]
Friday night, June 7, saw Strom Thurmond High School graduate 191 seniors of the class of 2013.
Peachtree 23, The Longest Yard Sale in the State, attracted thousands on Saturday, June 1. As seen in the gallery below, Main Street in Ridge Spring was overrun with shoppers and wares to tempt everyone. There was also food along the way to help keep the energy up. Toward 1:00 p.m. folks were closing down, […]
The Westside Volunteer Fire Department and the Merriwether Fire Department held a BBQ plate sale to benefit Wesley Spires, Saturday, June 1, at the Westside Community Center. While an exact tally of proceeds is yet available, early estimates are that the sold out event raised over $10,000 to assist Wesley with medical costs he has […]
Several of the students attending J.E.T. Middle School’s Spring Fling Friday, May 31, met at Oakley Park for a photo session prior to the dance. Click a thumbnail image below to enlarge and begin scrolling through the gallery.
Veterans and citizens gathered on Edgefield’s Town Square Monday morning in remembrance and honor of those that have given their lives in service to their country. Click on a thumbnail image below to enlarge and begin scrolling through the gallery.