Decision Comes After the Shift Last Week to Full Remote Learning Due to Staff Quarantines  January 26, 2021  (JOHNSTON, SC)- At a Special Called Meeting this evening, Edgefield County School District (ECSD) Board members approved the district’s recommendation to return to Hybrid Instructional Models for all schools beginning on Monday, February 1. Full Remote Learning […]

More Catalytic Converters and a Firearm Stolen

More Catalytic Converters and a Firearm Stolen

​The Edgefield County Sheriff’s Office was recently notified of 2 catalytic converters and a firearm being stolen in 3 separate incidents.  According to an ECSO report, on Jan. 8, the ECSO received notification from a tow service that the company had towed a vehicle from an area on Hwy 121 and Briarwood Road for the […]

Johnston’s Town Dogs Get Late Christmas Gift

Johnston’s Town Dogs Get Late Christmas Gift

Lola (in the house) and DD adjust to five-star accommodations, a steady food supply, and training their new humans.   ​ By Arthur Northrop The Author of this story asks that if the reader knows of a rescue story to share, please email him at There are animal lovers… and then there are animal lovers! Arlene […]

Property Rights and “the Pursuit of Happines” Collide

Property Rights and “the Pursuit of Happines” Collide

Construction is underway for Tavern Hill, a subdivision marketed as a “rural preservation community.” The development is off Sweetwater Road on Stephens Road and will have 212 lots of various sizes with an average lot size of 11,725 square-feet. The development will have 40% green space, buffers, and pervious area providing an overall density of […]

Crash Claims the Life of Local Teen

Crash Claims the Life of Local Teen

​A crash on Egghouse Road in Trenton, Saturday night, Jan. 9, claimed the life of local teen, Ryan White, of Trenton.  According to the SC Highway Patrol, sixteen year old White was traveling west in a 2002 Ford Ranger on Egghouse Road around 10:30 when he traveled off the right side of the road, overcorrected and went off the left side of […]

70+ Vaccination Program – a 7-County Service

70+ Vaccination Program – a 7-County Service

We at Self Regional Healthcare are excited to meet the recent challenge set by Governor Henry McMaster and SCDHEC to accelerate the distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations. At the same time, like every hospital in the state, we must carefully manage a limited supply of vaccine to the communities we serve. We receive a limited allotment […]

South Carolinians Aged 70 and Older Can Schedule COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments Beginning Jan. 13

South Carolinians Aged 70 and Older Can Schedule COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments Beginning Jan. 13

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Governor Henry McMaster and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) announced that beginning Wednesday, Jan. 13, any South Carolina resident aged 70 or older, regardless of health status or preexisting conditions, can begin scheduling their appointment to receive COVID-19 vaccine. Based on COVID-19 vaccine data — doses received, administered, and appointments […]

Petition Circulates to Address Edgefield County Development Future

Petition Circulates to Address Edgefield County Development Future

By Arthur Northrop This article is a first in a series covering the residential development in Edgefield County. Council members Jackie Kennion, Albert Talbert, and Dean Campbell did not comment by the first deadline. Scott Cooper, County Council Chair did respond. Megan Pearson, a concerned citizen who has and is following Edgefield County’s Comprehensive Plan also provided information regarding the plan’s development.  ​ Edgefield County Government […]

Bomb Threat at Wardlaw – Suspect in Custody within 1 Hour

​A bomb threat at Wardlaw Academy, Thursday, Jan. 7, led to a lockdown and evacuation of the school.  Edgefield County Sheriff Jody Rowland told the Advertiser in an interview shortly after the event that the Edgefield County Sheriff’s Office was contacted by the school Thursday afternoon to advise them that the academy had received a bomb threat along with a threat of physical violence. […]

County Council Meeting Canceled

County Council Meeting Canceled

​The Advertiser learned that the Edgefield County Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 5, has been canceled.  Administrator Tommy Paradise explained that due to required quarantining of multiple staff members due to COVID-19, it was deemed prudent to cancel the scheduled meeting.  A firm rescheduling date of the meeting was not yet available.  The Advertiser […]

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