This special edition of the Edgefield County Chairman’s Update is a State of the County report to you. I committed to you that I would continue to communicate the County’s activities to you. This report seeks to do just that. First, nothing the County does is possible without the work of many people. From the […]
I just thought I would comment on the passing of Mrs. Rearden. From different articles I have read about her, she exemplifies an OUTSTANDING American and a GREAT Lady. The thing that caught my eye was her getting a drivers license in 1965. My father passed in late 1978 and the following summer I paid for my […]
Letter to the Editor: I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the firemen, the policemen, my neighbors, the ambulance staff, and the Edgefield Hospital for helping me contain the fire in my home. You are true servants of the community. May God bless you, and continue to use you in His service. Patsy Walton
Washington, DC–Congressman Jeff Duncan’s legislation, the “Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act,” (H.R. 3783) passed the U.S. Congress by a vote of 386-6, and now awaits the President’s signature to become law. “One of the ways we can honor those who lost their lives during the War on Terror is to be vigilant in […]
By Linda Nidiffer – In December we expect our children our children to be especially child like: full of wonder and joy, wild with anticipation and bedazzled by the out of control commercialism of our times. Homework and chores are the last things on their minds. Let’s face it kids sometimes turn into quarrelsome, tedious, […]
The Johnston Development Corporation’s annual Community Christmas Lighting Ceremony gets bigger and better every year and that is due to the wonderful participation of our citizens and civic groups. I want to thank Kenny Randall and the tremendous efforts of his Public works staff as well as Chief Chris Aston and his Police Department. Our […]
Dear Edgefield Community: Sunday was an exciting day in Edgefield for our entire county! A special thank you to Mayor Durham and the Edgefield Town Council, our 122nd Eng. Battalion, our sponsors, donations, vendors, restaurants, parade committee, volunteers and patrons. The parade would not have been successful without each of you. Our 2012 Christmas Parade sponsors were […]
The Veterans Day Program Committee would like to thank the businesses, organizations and individuals from the Towns of Edgefield, Johnston and Trenton for sponsoring the Veterans Day Program held Sunday November 11th on the square in Edgefield. Without your contributions, this event would not have been possible. This program was the work of many hands. […]
Dear Editor: I was sad to learn of the death or Dr. W.G. Watson who died on Wednesday, October 31, at 102 years old. I kept seeing him a couple of times as my doctor when he was 100. Our children Scott and Jane are both “Watson babies.” I will never forget him visiting me at our house after I went home […]
Dear Editor: We are nearing Halloween 2012 and I thought I would tell some things that happened Halloween 1938 in Edgefield. The “Bad Boys” of the mill hill covered Mrs. Helen Nicholson’s front yard with “confetti.” My brother Joseph Wood and Maurice Gilchrist short wired the fire alarm and it blasted for hours. The stately […]