Things Preventing America from Becoming Great Again

In the course of my writing for The Edgefield Advertiser, I have shared that I believe many of the issues facing us today are “non-respecter of person issues.”  I stated I would at times be returning back to this theme. This week, while working on the farm my index finger got caught in a piece […]

Welcome the Stranger – With Education

Those Edgefield Advertiser readers who have become familiar with these columns (and I am truly thankful for each one of you!) have recognized that there are several themes I often return to. The multi- cultural requirement that many of us have learned in Church, Synagogue, or Mosque to “Welcome the Stranger” is one of those, […]

Software – Edgefield County tax office

Letters to The Editor Edgefield Advertiser I hope that all of your readers saw the article in your March 16 edition written by Tiffany Ireland concerning the problem with software in the Edgefield County tax office and the mistakes that had been made on many tax bills that went out in 2015 and have been […]

Something Great Happening in Washington DC!

I hope each of you had an amazing Resurrection Sunday Celebration, otherwise known as Easter.  If you happen to be among the percentage of American’s who don’t celebrate any portion of the Judeo-Christian history celebrated this past week, I at least hope you had a great day of rest! Both of our church services were […]

Prejudice and Political Correctness

Another terrorist bombing took place in Europe this week, with 34 dead in Brussels including several Americans. Since this is a political year, before the horror even wore off there were pronouncements that somehow this was the result of the weak foreign policy of the present administration, and somehow the party in power in the […]

Open Primaries are a Good Idea By Robert Scott

Wasn’t it an interesting Republican Presidential Primary last Saturday? The results were in line with most predictions, with Donald Trump thumping the rest of the field. Somewhat surprising was that Senator Ted Cruz finished no higher than third place, albeit very close to fellow Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio. Although he finished second in Edgefield County, […]

The Religious Side of Hillary Clinton By Jack Bass

The Religious Side of Hillary Clinton By Jack Bass

Hillary Clinton isn’t much given to talking about religion while on the campaign trail, but she veered off that path in Iowa in a detailed response to a voter’s question a few days before the Iowa caucuses. That insight may be of interest to South Carolina voters as focus here turns to the Democratic presidential […]

Homeowners Act Held Hostage

The State of S.C. Judiciary subcommittee has been holding a Homeowners Act hostage since 2004. There is no protective agency for homeowners and no recourse but to take them to court at great expense to the homeowner. I spoke to the subcommittee on our issues February 2015, to no avail. Some people are fortunate and […]

A Protective Eye on Private Property By Senator Shane Massey

A Protective Eye on Private Property By Senator Shane Massey

News broke last Wednesday afternoon that Kinder Morgan had donated $50,000 to Strom Thurmond High School’s athletics department. And soon thereafter, I began receiving emails, text messages, and phone calls expressing concern about the substantial gift. As a refresher, Kinder Morgan is North America’s largest energy infrastructure company. It owns or operates more than 84,000 […]

Letter to the Editor: Regarding Kinder Morgan at STHS

Redo. This is an opportunity for redemption I offer my students when they perform poorly on a test because I believe in second chances. Last Wednesday afternoon, the students of Strom Thurmond High School were called out of their class to a hastily organized assembly (pep rally). We were given 48 hours notice but knew […]

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