This is the fourth piece in the series “The Stranger’s Among Us.” I hope you will look online for the earlier editions as the foundations laid are critical to understanding my two concluding pieces. This will not be the last time I write about refugee resettlement. Refugee resettlement is a complicated, multi-faceted issue. I wanted […]
With all the political and meteorological news this past week, from the Vice Presidential debate last Monday to the literally unprintable language on the Donald Trump tape released this past weekend, to still more email hacking by the Russians (this time including some Hillary Clinton speeches and private emails of her campaign manager), to a […]
This is a continuation of my previous two columns discussing the context of Matthew 25, which is being used by the religious left in a well-intentioned, compassionate desire to harness four verses, Matthew 25:35-38, out of context, as biblical justification for use of public funds to “welcome the stranger” into our republic, specifically justifying publicly […]
Most of these columns in recent months have addressed issues of national concern: the state of our national security, our increasing prosperity unfairly shared by just a few, our historic New World commitment to welcome refugees from the Old. But not all issues are national issues. A favorite bit of homespun wisdom gives one definition […]
We have an immigration problem in our country and in our state. What should we do to solve it? One of the first things that our politicians want to talk about is whose fault it is. It’s the fault of Democrats in the Senate for passing an Immigration Reform bill, one that just attracts more […]
Last week I started a series titled “The Strangers Among Us.” I provided the online link, because this series is going to build, and it is important you know the foundation. In May, Robert Scott, a regular contributor to The Edgefield Advertiser, who is also a friend and neighbor, did a two-part series titled “Welcoming […]
The 2016 Edgefield Heritage Jubilee saw another successful event this past Saturday. We had a great crowd of people and had a good many vendors and entertainment. It takes a tremendous amount of time, work, and volunteers to have such an event. I am grateful for the many people who took the time to give […]
Most of these columns in recent months have addressed issues of national concern: the state of our national security, our increasing prosperity unfairly shared by just a few, our historic New World commitment to welcome refugees from the Old. But not all issues are national issues. A favorite bit of homespun wisdom gives one definition […]
This week, I am going to continue my theme that most of life’s issues are non-respecter of person issues. We face a challenge in our republic. As a culture, as a nation we are addicted to opium. Actually, it is OPM – “Other People’s Money.” Depending upon the industry you work in it could be […]
Supporting public policy to fight cancer from Edgefield to Capitol Hill Last week, I traveled to Washington, D.C., with more than 700 of my fellow American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) volunteers from across the country to urge Congress to support lifesaving policies that help people prevent and better treat cancer. I called […]