By Ed Baine, Senior Vice President- Distribution, Dominion Energy The proposed partnership between South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) and its parent company, SCANA, with Dominion Energy would benefit all South Carolinians. Once approved, the combination of the two companies would provide rate relief for customers, help community organizations, and protect thousands of jobs in […]
Suppose that you found out that the state government received an unexpected windfall of 200 million dollars a year starting next year, without needing any changes to the tax law and without any new taxes. What should the South Carolina government do, if it happened? Well, it is about to happen. It turns out that […]
Of all the columns in this series in The Edgefield Advertiser, the one that received the most comments, hands down, had this same heading. Now that two years have passed, it is time to talk again about the Second Amendment and wrongs committed in its name. Adopted along with the rest of the Bill of […]
One of the programs that President Obama signed into existence by Executive Order was DACA – Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals. This program addressed the problems faced by young immigrants who grew up as Americans because their parents brought them here, but who were never documented or whose visas expired while still children. Such people […]
When the National Football League player, Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers, first dropped to one knee when the National Anthem rang out at the start of a professional football game, I noted the debate that erupted regarding his actions and found it mildly interesting. Kaepernick, like many others in the African-American community – […]
Last week I wrote about Echo Chambers, ( and how difficult it is sometimes for individuals to break outside of the sounding boards they feel most comfortable. I shared “It is almost as if millions of American are being trained to hear what the other side is saying, before the other side even opens their […]
A few weeks ago this column addressed the draft American Health Care Act, the most recent “Trumpcare” attempt to replace the Affordable Care Act with one that for many was less caring and less affordable. It cited 34 religious organizations opposed to Trumpcare who had joined in a successful effort to prevent its passage in […]
October is National Bullying Prevention Month (An essay well worth reading to the Young Ones in the Family.) A Hero in There…. By: Laura Taylor, author of E.E.Otter & Bullfrog Bullies Maybe you’ve noticed the way the girls turn their backs on her and laugh as she approaches her locker. Maybe you’ve seen the look […]
Recently I have been spending a lot of time thinking about the divisions in our country. Divisions which quite honestly, we see becoming vitriolic, in some cases almost demonic, on both political spectrums of the nightly news. Both sides, I believe, benefiting from our national divisions. Both sides, creating echo chambers, where tens of millions […]
National news and increasingly bizarre national politics seem to bombard our lives, not only for the growing numbers who use social media but for the rest of us who read newspapers and watch or listen to news broadcasts. It’s easy to say, “That doesn’t affect me. I’m just going to turn it off.” That would […]