Johnston, SC – Earlier during the 2024-25 school year the Johnston-Edgefield-Trenton Middle School (J-E-T) family collected over 200 winter coats which were donated to schools in North Carolina whose families are still recovering from the Hurricane Helene disaster. That support continued this month with a donation of over 400 canned goods on the part of […]
Wardlaw Academy held their First Dessert Theatre on October 12 led by their drama director, Mrs. Rebekah Robeson. They had 12 talented acts ranging from singing, clogging, electric guitar, violin, cheering, and acting. Pictured row 1 – Jayde Cullinan, Olyvia Wall, Mira McClendon, Nathalie Dorn, Charlotte Grace Culver, Sarah Kate Covar; row 2 – Kate Griffith, Jeniya Long, Haleigh Smart, Kya McCormick, Dylan Buck, Kellie Winn, Lainey Jainniney, Isaac Whatley, […]
“Adventures in Reading” The Edgefield Reading Council is pleased to announce our first poetry contest with the theme of “Adventures in Reading.” The contest is open to students in Grades 3-12, and winners will be selected in each of the following divisions: elementary school, middle school, and high school. Winners will be asked to share their […]
Queen and Court Homecoming Queen Katy Neal Day is pictured with her father, David Day, and the homecoming court. Anna Grace Spurlock was named first runner-up. Natalie McNeill & Adam Smith were the little miss & mister homecoming escorts. The court pictured from left to right: Taylor Cockrell, Taylor Rodgers, Becca Whitlock, Homecoming Queen 2018, Davis Wash, […]
Edgefield County School District is reaping benefits from a federal law requiring power companies to invest in green energy. “Because we are a public institution,tax credits were of no use to school districts, so the SCE&G developed a program that would make solar energy an option for us,” explained James Courtney, ECSD Director of […]
A handgun was found in the purse of an adult at Merriwether Middle School, Thursday, Feb. 22. According to a spokesperson with the Edgefield County Sheriff’s Office, a school official was checking bags of students and adults when the gun found in the woman’s purse. The woman, who has served as a substitute teacher for […]
Unloaded Pellet Gun Brandished A fight between two juveniles on a school bus Feb. 20 spilled over to a bus stop according to a spokesperson with the Edgefield County Sheriff’s Office who spoke to the Advertiser. According to the ECSO, two male Merriwether Middle School children got into a […]
The Edgefield County School District announced, through James Courtney, to this publication at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday that schools would be opening two hours late, for students and staff, on Thursday, January 18.
Veterans in SC Committing Suicide 50% Higher Rate GREENWOOD, S.C. – Lander University will soon offer an equine therapy program for U.S. military veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The horse-based therapy initiative, which will begin in the spring of 2018 at Lander’s Equestrian Center on Hwy. 72-221 in Greenwood, is made possible by […]
Four Edgefield County School buses were destroyed in a fire, Apr. 7, at JET Middle School. A report from the Edgefield County Sheriff’s Office, which assisted the Edgefield Fire Department with this fire, details that a man was headed to work around 4:00 in the morning when he noticed fire coming from behind a home […]