Always, Patsy Cline comes to Edgefield County again with the Edgefield County Theatre Company’s production on Oct. 6 & 7 and Oct. 14 & 15 at 8:00 p.m.. A great success with the 2012 production prompted the Company to bring it back again with the two main characters of the play, Patsy and her fan […]
“It was a huge rodeo” and “It was a good rodeo” were the summations Sandy Quarles, co-owner with her husband Wesley of Sandy Oaks Farm, gave The Advertiser in an interview following the 11th annual Sandy Oaks Pro Rodeo held Aug. 26-27. While no firm numbers were yet available, Quarles estimated that, in total, “at […]
Its time to acknowledge the 21st Annual Chamber of Commerce’s Citizen of the Year. If you know someone who deserves this award (good leadership or community service role, volunteer work, etc) please fill out an application form (call the Chamber office for nomination form) and return it to the Chamber office by Tuesday, September 13th. […]
The 3rd Annual “Cruisin’ for a Cause Boat Run” will be held Saturday, August 20, 2016 (rain date: August 27) on beautiful Lake Greenwood. The purpose of the boat run is to bring awareness of people with disabilities and special needs in Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood, Laurens, Lexington, McCormick and Saluda counties and funding to help […]
Pictured are the presentation are Poet Laureate Laurel Blossom, winner Nathan Kulp, Clay Studio owner Beth Thornton and Potter Justin Guy. On Thursday, June 30 at 3 p.m., Nathan Kulp, the winner of the Poetry Meets Pottery couplets contest that was held in February, was presented with an Edgefield pottery jar inscribed with […]
The Cruise-In, on the Square in Edgefield, is planned for July 16, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. This is a free event, rain or shine. People with classic cars, trucks or motorcycles are invited to park on the square and enjoy the atmosphere of dozens of car enthusiasts. Spectators are welcome, but are asked to […]
Come celebrate DAVE THE POTTER at a two-day, two-town festival in honor of this extraordinary African-American artisan! Dave, born into slavery, lived for the first three-quarters of the 19th century in the Edgefield District of South Carolina. Thirsty for knowledge, he dared to challenge anti-slave-literacy laws by learning to read and write. He left an […]
Music and Dance Coming from the Ridge Lots of local talent, coming from the Ridge prjmarily, will be spreading their song and dance throughout the day at the 46th Annual Ridge Peach Festival in Trenton, S.C. starting at 9 a.m. Saturday morning. As noted in additional stories inn the Advertiser print edition, Brooker Strom and […]
O’Shaughnessy, Liberty Week Visitor and Lecturer Dr. Andrew Jackson O’Shaughnessy, noted British author and historian, will present a lecture in Edgefield on Wednesday evening, June 29, at 6 p.m., at The Joanne T. Rainsford Discovery Center. He is a Professor of History at The University of Virginia and Director of the International Center for Jefferson […]
The Woman’s Club of Johnston is happy to present their annual Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon April 23, at 10:30 a.m. at the Johnston Methodist Church. The theme of this year’s Fashion Show is “Palmetto Hospitality.” Members of the Women’s Club of Johnston will model classic outfits provided by the popular Mae’s of Batesburg. Luncheon […]