By Judy Gibson Holmes Around New Year’s every year, folks bring up the subject of possibly reading the Holy Bible all the way through in one year. Some accomplish that goal, others continue to try each year. Some local ministers have given some advice on how to accomplish that worthwhile resolution goal. “Let’s read […]
The following article is provided as the beginning of a series of articles as part of the USA Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War. Bill Murrell was 19 years old when he received his draft notice in 1968. He said he was the only person from Saluda to get a draft notice […]
Pamela Moore’s purple fence around her house created a little stir years ago when she came to live in Edgefield. She knew she would be forgiven such an unusual “appointment” because she was and is an artist. That purple fence followed her as she moved from retail business, theatre promoter, then owner of an entertainment […]
Find The Advertiser and Dave in this new novel Reviewed by David Marshall James This emotionally expansive, visually lush novel would have been irresistible as a screen project for producer Ross Hunter and director Douglas Sirk, fifty-plus years ago. Although Margaret Bradham Thornton’s first novel takes place during the early 1990s, it could have been […]
– By Leonard Todd – I was a guest speaker at the 48th annual NCECA Conference, held this year in Milwaukee. The National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts is a dynamic and influential organization that celebrates the creative potential of clay. Almost 4,500 of its members were at the conference, nearly all of them potters. I spoke on […]
Although he is usually seen with the National Symphony Orchestra in white tie and tails, when he performs in the local area he is dressed more informally. This is Steven Hendrickson, principal trumpet for the National Symphony Orchestra which is based in the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. Not only is Steven a musician, among […]
“Such a Fun Show” says Director Caroline Bland She says she started in the Edgefield County Players after Beth Worth, a board member and conscientious supporter of most things progressive in Edgefield County, encouraged her and Beth’s daughter Ashley to try out for Steel Magnolias (2011). She had studied under drama at STHS in her […]
The Old Ninety-Six District of the Daughters of the American Revolution recently presented five Good Citizens Awards to local students. The award is made to a student from each high school, chosen by the faculty and staff, who most represents the qualities of a good citizen. Among those qualities are dependability, service, patriotism, and leadership. […]
Happy Birthday to a very special lady, Mrs. Mattie S. Williams of the Bettis Academy community and a member of Mount Canaan Baptist Church. Mrs. Williams is the most recent centenarian. She celebrated her 100th Birthday on November 29, 2013, at a wonderful, spirit-filled happy birthday party at Misty Lake, North Augusta, surrounded by her […]
SALUDA, S.C. – The Saluda County Historical Society announced today that the Marsh-Johnson House Interior Restoration Project had been completed and that the Marsh-Johnson house will be available for tours. For a house built around the time of the American Revolution, it had problems which prevented it from being used a house museum. The fact […]