Yes, there are birds in nests in the sign, but only in the a’s. The “a” allows for a two-story home. Is that the reason? Barn swallows, we guess, have inhabited these letters, from the looks of the nests. And they are in both signs, front and side, of the business establishment out on Hwy. […]
– By Robert Loar – Kenneth Hartkopf, Post Adjutant for American Legion Post 30 officiated as new officers were sworn in. At their monthly meeting on Thursday evening, outgoing Post Commander JoJo Doolittle passed the gavel to Robert Loar. Other new officers were: Preston Creech-Post Chaplain, Lenny Joiner-Treasurer, Alan Perano-First Vice Commander, and Ann Doolittle-Second […]
– by Tiffani Ireland – Edgefield County’s new Emergency Operations Center, located in the old Agricultural Building on Gray Street in Edgefield, is a far cry from the tiny, one room office space that used to house the county’s Emergency Management Agency. During The Advertiser’s recent tour of the new facility, guided by EMA Director […]
The Edgefield County School District announced today that the school board has given final approval for the purchase of a new district activity bus to be used primarily by the elementary and middle schools located in the Merriwether area of the county. Of particular importance for the Merriwether students, this bus will provide express transportation […]
“Soldier Benefit,” a fundraiser for the 122nd Engineer Battalion (HSC/FSC) who are now deployed, Saturday, June 29, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Themed baskets, raffle, silent auction, food – “a way to support our soldiers.” Edgefield Armory, 225 Augusta Rd. Dinner to Honor Laughlin McDonald: June 29, 4:00 p.m. Community Center on Macedonia St.: for […]
The Foundation for Public Schools in Edgefield County invites everyone to become a permanent part of the new stadium project at Strom Thurmond High School. Joel Jolly, Chairman of the Foundation, suggests that the citizenry “fill the big T.” The big T is placed on the ground, in its special spot, at the STHS athletic […]
Dear Editor: A note of thanks for the article in the Advertiser about the “three ladies in the pottery center.” My friends sent me a copy along with the picture. I have told as many folks as would listen about the entire unforgettable experience. What a step back into history to have seen and touched […]
Since July 4th falls on Thursday we will have the market next week on Wednesday, July 3rd 4 – 6:30 pm. You will find our special Southern traditional foods such as: Watermelon, Blueberries(hopefully they will be ripe), Tomatoes, Yellow Squash, Cucumbers, Boiled P-Nuts, Peaches, Parched P-Nuts, Farm Fresh Eggs, Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Relishes, Green Beans, Pickles, Potatoes, Fresh Corn […]
Dove hunters still have time to plant fields to attract doves during the upcoming season, according to a wildlife biologist with the S.C. Department of Natural Resources. The mourning dove is the most popular game species in the Southeast, and South Carolina is blessed with an abundance of these speedy birds. The best way to […]
Annually, since 1982, the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR) conducts a Summer Turkey Survey to estimate reproduction and recruitment of wild turkeys in South Carolina. The survey involves agency wildlife biologists, technicians, and conservation officers, as well as many volunteers from other natural resource agencies and the general public. The survey is conducted in July and August […]