Jane Jenkins Herlong, a former Miss South Carolina, takes adversity and turns it into success. Just recently she reached a pinnacle – she was named by the CPAE of the National Speaker’s Association to their Speakers Hall of Fame. So what was the adversity? Here is how Jane tells it. She was nominated 13 […]
While on routine patrol Monday, Aug. 1, an Edgefield County Sheriff’s Office deputy observed a truck with metal in its bed parked on the side of the road on Hwy 25 South. An ECSO report on the incident details that the deputy also observed two males walking around a nearby abandoned old store. When asked […]
Multiple thefts were reported on Naussa Pass in North Augusta (Edgefield County) last week. According to reports filed with the Edgefield County Sheriff’s Office, the first theft was discovered Thursday morning, Aug. 4, when an employee with Action Landscaping Inc. arrived at the subdivision to find a work truck missing. That employee stated that his […]
North Augusta, SC—Funeral Services for Mrs. Edna Koon McKie Daniels, 80, of North Augusta, SC, who entered into rest August 9, 2016, will be conducted Friday morning at 11 o’clock from the First Baptist Church of North Augusta. Dr. Gary C. Redding officiating. Interment in the Peace Haven Baptist Church Cemetery. Mrs. Daniels was born […]
The early 1890s found Edgefield as one of the most progressive towns in South Carolina. The public square was fresh and modern with new brick buildings that were constructed after the fires of 1881 and 1884. Business boomed in the town with merchants of all kinds selling their wares to eager shoppers. Sales-day, the first […]
We are sad to say that Tim the Tool Turkey was injured in a minor car accident. It appears that someone may have accidentally backed into him. We’ll keep you posted on his condition, we are hopeful that he’ll make a full recovery. Sincerely, Lorrie Miller Crouch ACE Hardware
Dear Edgefield! Find your Shag Shoes and come to the Town Square Saturday for a night of Summer Time Fun, sponsored by Edgefield Community Development Association! I would like to personally invite everyone to our Beach Blast this Saturday, August 13th. The band will be Shag Attack, featuring one of Edgefield’s very own, Jimbo Durham. […]
I am sitting at the Cleveland Airport, about to go home. The #RNCinCLE convention has been over for 90 hours. After having the privilege to participate in it, I have yet to comment much on it. I took the weekend to think about it, and decided this morning not to do my weekly column for […]
Those of us who grew up in Edgefield County in the 20th Century know what prejudice is. When we grew up, it was all around us – some of us recipients, some caught up in it, and others thinking that we ourselves were somehow not involved – but, of course, we were. Racial prejudice is […]
Richard Linwood “Ricky” Crawford, 67 husband of Ethel Hammond Crawford, died July 31, 2016. Graveside Services will be held Friday August 5, 2016 at 10 AM at Sunset Gardens Memorial Cemetery in Edgefield. Mr. Crawford was a native of Edgefield County and was the son of the late Richard L. and Mary Worsham Crawford, Sr. […]