Area Crime Reports

Area Crime Reports

Thefts of Campaign Signs Continue The Edgefield County Sheriff’s Office has again been notified of stolen campaign signs.  According to reports filed with the ECSO, Sonny Reel and Kevin Beck, two of three candidates seeking election as Clerk of Court, have reported having their signs stolen.  Reports show that Reel has documented more than once […]

On National Security

On National Security

One thing our leading politicians agree on: our past national leaders from both parties have given us the strongest, most sophisticated armed forces in the world, arguably in the history of the world. There is some discussion about, is it enough? Is it enough that our military spending exceeds that of the next seven countries […]

Plum Branch, SC – Community Yard Sale

Plum Branch, SC – Community Yard Sale

The Town of Plum Branch, SC on October 8, 2016 will be having a town wide Community Yard Sale. From 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. there will be a wide variety of items. Household Goods to Guy Stuff, Children and Adult Clothing , something to snack on, Furniture and things you haven’t thought you needed. […]

Frances A. Bush – Modoc, SC

Frances Adelle Bush, 81, died Saturday September 10, 2016 at Aiken Regional. Graveside Services will be held Tuesday September 13, 2016 at 11 AM at Red Oak Grove Baptist Church Cemetery. Miss Bush was born in Edgefield County and was the daughter of the late Clarence and Evelyn Jordan Bush. She was a retired Registered […]

Patsy Cline is returning to Edgefield Stage

Patsy Cline is returning to Edgefield Stage

Always, Patsy Cline comes to Edgefield County again with the Edgefield County Theatre Company’s production on Oct. 6 & 7 and Oct. 14 & 15 at 8:00 p.m..  A great success with the 2012 production prompted the Company to bring it back again with the two main characters of the play, Patsy and her fan […]

Ridge Healthcare Foundation Fun 2nd Annual Shoot

Ridge Healthcare Foundation Fun 2nd Annual Shoot

Ridge Healthcare Foundation Offers Fun for the Family 2nd Annual Fun Shoot September 24 Looking for a fun activity for the entire family and a way to support great healthcare in Edgefield County?  The Ridge Healthcare Foundation, through the sponsorship of Self Regional Healthcare, SRP Federal Credit Union, E-Z-Go of Augusta and Titan Farms will […]

11th Annual Sandy Oaks Rodeo Deemed a Success

11th Annual Sandy Oaks Rodeo Deemed a Success

“It was a huge rodeo” and “It was a good rodeo” were the summations Sandy Quarles, co-owner with her husband Wesley of Sandy Oaks Farm, gave The Advertiser in an interview following the 11th annual Sandy Oaks Pro Rodeo held Aug. 26-27.  While no firm numbers were yet available, Quarles estimated that, in total, “at […]

Loftis Congratulates Legislators for Addressing Pension Fund Problems

Loftis Congratulates Legislators for Addressing Pension Fund Problems

Treasurer Curtis Loftis Congratulates Legislators for Addressing Pension Fund Problems Columbia, SC – S.C. Treasurer Curtis Loftis congratulated state legislators on Wednesday for taking a closer look at the problems with the state’s pension fund — something Loftis has been critical of for years. The group of legislators met Tuesday to discuss the state’s unfunded liabilities, […]

Political Polling

Political Polling

If you are one of those among us who look at the Presidential race and wonder who’s winning this week, then you are probably familiar with the multitude of “preference polls” that purport to say that, for example, Hillary Clinton leads at present by 48% to 42% among registered voters. You might very well ask […]

Understanding the Vote Your Conscience Movement

Understanding the Vote Your Conscience Movement

Last week when I posted on social media my article about a Democrat challenging the establishment, referencing my contemplations on Donald Trump winning the Republican Nomination for President, and why he chose to run in the fractured Republican Party, I used the hashtags #VoteYourConscience and #NeverTrump, encouraging some of my friends in that movement to […]