June 7, 2013
This month, I’m taking a break from the usual County Council update to discuss one topic: Your opportunity for more involvement in County Government.
Before I go there, I want to point out that what the County Council decides each month does affect your life. For example, we are taking up critical issues that continue to need your input. Keep in mind we are discussing:
- A $1.2 million bond to use on some Capital Improvement Projects
- Putting a Highway Overlay District on Hwy. 25
- Strategic Plan work, and much more!
Please take a few minutes to go to our County’s website to see what we’re up to by looking at agendas and minutes, and then be sure to offer your input!
However, for this newsletter update, I want to focus on a different but also significant part of citizen involvement in county governments (and in the towns as well): Serving on volunteer boards and commissions.
In the County, we have more than a dozen boards and commissions that we appoint citizens to serve. Some take special expertise, but some don’t require anything beyond your interest in serving.
Why is serving on these boards and commissions so important?
In our system of government, the County Council relies on these groups to carry out functions sometimes mandated by state law and, other times, by ordinance or policy of the County Council. It’s important to the five of us who serve on County Council because we see it as another form of input and feedback from you.
Serving on these boards and commissions is much like serving on non-profit groups in your community. There is no pay involved, the work can be time-consuming at times, but the feeling of accomplishment and seeing results of your work really makes the trip worth the effort.
We rely on your advice, and we want you to help us work to make our County grow and prosper. That’s not always an easy task.
For those who have served and are currently serving on Edgefield County Boards and Commissions, we thank you. We don’t say that enough, but I assure you we couldn’t do our work without your service. It’s vital that we have active, working groups that can guide us in our decision-making or help citizens and businesses find relief they may need.
If you already volunteer and serve your community in a non-profit area, I appreciate your spirit of volunteerism. I, too, serve on volunteer boards because I enjoy working with others to help make our County and communities thrive. But if you can spare a few more minutes of your time each month, I encourage you to reach out and serve as a volunteer on a county-related board or commission. You can contact the Clerk to the Council, Jennifer Gilley, or your Council member, any of whom can discuss the various boards and commissions.
Don’t pass up the opportunity to be involved. You won’t regret it.
Until next time,
Dean Campbell