Trenton Town Administrator AL Harvey informed Council that he is proceeding with seeking bids for the purchase of a new fire truck for the town at Council’s regularly scheduled meeting, Wed., May 8. Mr. Harvey advised Council that he hopes to have the bids specifications sent out by the early part of the week of May 13. He plans to have the bids in by May 29. The town is pursuing the purchase of a standard 2 door, top mount pumper truck. Council will have a 45 day review period once all the bids have been received.
Council had no names to offer in their quest to fill an open slot on the Planning Commission. Administrator Harvey advised Council that while appointees are usually sought from within the town’s limits, this is not a legal requirement. Mayor Padgett assured Mr. Harvey a candidate would be available for presentation to Council at next month’s meeting.
Council approved a $1,000 donation to the Trenton Library as well as a $35 donation to the Soil and Water Conservation District. Both of these donations are reflective of amounts given in the past. The money donated to the library will be put toward operating costs associated with the library. The funds given to the Soil and Water Conservation District will be used to help provide education material for the agency’s summer program. Additionally, Council voted unanimously to allow GLEAMS to use the town’s gym May 17 for the graduation ceremony of their 3 & 4 year olds. The normal facility fee will also be waived. In regards to GLEAMS, Mayor Billy Padgett encouraged each member of Council to make time to go the center to read to the children there.
Marcella Edwards with the non-profit organization Edgefield County Youth Empowerment Center gave a presentation to Council of the group’s mission and programs. She also asked Council to consider funding or assistance they could provide the agency.
Before adjourning, Councilman Bobby Turner passed around a copy of Douglas Elementary’s year book in which the town has an advertisement. Councilman Turner said he will be getting the town complimentary copy to keep at Town Hall. With no further business to discuss, Council adjourned.