House Divided

House Divided

By Blaney Pridgen

All writers in Op Ed are here to inform and acknowledge issues of importance to our communities, however these writings represent the views and opinions of the authors and not necessarily of The Advertiser. 

There is a rot at the core of our nation’s foundation.  Party identification of both the candidates and the individuals of the electorate draws a sharp and angry, almost belligerent division among us.  Being a devout Republican or Democrat worshipping politics is to become a combatant in a war.  Party affiliation is no longer a collection of stances, a platform, on necessary issues that will affect us all.  Rather one’s party has become one’s identity and personality with which the other party is the enemy to be expunged from all power or even from our culture.  Even the media on either side fan the flames and beat the drums to the fervent joy of the rabid enthusiasts, be they Democrat or Republican.  Deep party affiliation is not about real plans to address real problems and a reasonable way to get there through civilized dialogue and effective compromise.  Rather, it is about the kind of inflexible persons almost all party persons have become.  Yet, there are a few voices crying in this wilderness, regardless of the party they usually have embraced.  But not near enough to stop this madness.  

Who said, “A house divided cannot stand”?  We might remember Lincoln in a speech as he ran for office just prior to the Civil War.  Actually, he was paraphrasing the words of Jesus in a much different context in three of the Gospels.  House could be easily translated as kingdom, country, or family.  Cannot stand might be translated cannot last or will fall apart.  Regardless of context or translation, the sense is the same.   Severe, mean, mindless, and violent divisions among us could eventually destroy the basic foundation upon which we all stand.  

What are we willing to concede in due process of law and constitutional democratic process in order to maintain our basic freedoms, economy, and common defense?  What are you willing to concede?  It is a fair and necessary question.  Sometimes the other side of a matter is right or at least has a point that should be heard and explored.  And similar to that first question, what consequences can we live with in realizing the extreme hard side of any issue which will cause irredeemable divisions?  What can you safely live with regardless of the cost to yourself and others?  These questions equally apply to our relationships closer to home.  What is it ultimately worth to make or win a point that finally divides the house?