Farmers’ and Artists’ Market: Johnston Farmers’ and Artists’ Market is held from 4-6 p.m. each Thursday. If interested in being a vendor call 275-4097.
Leadership Conference: Liberty Spring Baptist Church is hosting a Leadership Conference Saturday, Sept. 1, at the church fellowship hall. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and the conference at 9:30 a.m. The cost is $5. The speaker will be Dr. Finis Bush. Plan to come out and learn how to become a better spiritual leader.
Brotherhood Program:The Brotherhood of the Pleasant Lane Missionary Baptist will have it’s 2nd annual Brotherhood program Saturday, September 8, at 4:00 in the afternoon. The public is invited.
Workshops: Free Workshops at the Edgefield/SC Works Center, 400 Church Street, Rm. 306, Edgefield, Tues., September 4, 10 AM Networkers Group Meeting – topic – “Resume Construction” Keep your resume in the yes stack. Learn resume structure and how to display skills and accomplishments; 1:30 PM “Job Search 2012” Learn the differences between yesterday and today’s job search techniques; 3:00 PM “Computers for Beginners” The mouse and keyboard are your computer’s communication tools. Learn the parts of the computer and how to master the mouse. For further information telephone (803) 637-4029.
Church Anniversary: Mount Canaan Baptist Church(2451 Edgefield Road, Trenton) will commemorate its one hundred forty fourth year of existence through special praise and worship service on Sunday morning, September 9, at 10 a.m. Rev. Daniel L. Johnston will be the guest speaker. The pastor, Rev. George L. Brightharp, and congregants invite you to be a part of this service. Please come!
American Girl Book Club: The club meets the first Thursday of each month from 6:30-8:00 p.m. for girls ages 7-12. The club is a way to share favorite books. Snacks and door prizes will be awarded at each meeting. Parents are welcome to stay. For more info call 637-4025 or 637-4055.The first meeting will be September 6.
Volunteers Needed: The Edgefield/McCormick/Saluda Counties Volunteer Guardian ad Litem Program is seeking people willing to speak up for a child. Training will begin Monday, October 10. This is a free thirty-hour course. Space is limited; please call (803) 637-9614 to reserve your seat.