In 2016 I wrote 36 editorials for The Edgefield Advertiser. One third of them addressed non-respecter of person issues. That theme, non-respecter of person issues, will continue to be prevalent in my writings in 2017 because when we boil humanity down to these issues; principles, laws, and relationships, one comes to recognize there is far more that unites us than divides us.
In these columns, numerous times I referred back to my life 30 years ago when I had the privilege of attending an international school in Switzerland where as an American, I was a minority. My graduating class had less than 90 students with close to 35 nationalities represented. The high school itself had less than 500 pupils with close to 90 Nationalities. In my December 28th column, “Peace on Earth” I shared one of many examples during those two years, the time I was eating breakfast between my two Libyan friends the morning we learned President Ronald Reagan bombed Tripoli, Libya in response to a terrorist attack at a German discothèque in Berlin, which had links to Muammar Qaddafi.
Some of the “non-respecter of person issues” I addressed in 2016 included:
- The Laws of Wealth Creation and Poverty
- Fatherhood – 4 Articles
- The Importance of Work – 2 Articles
- The Importance of Attitude
- The Importance of Family
- The Importance of Grace
- Discouragement
These principles, laws, and relationships will positively or negatively impact each human, regardless of race, gender, nationality, or socio-economic status. As we face these issues, our actions as individuals will impact not only us, but those we surround ourselves with. As it relates to family, our individual behavior, whether positive or negative, will have a generational impact.
Why is this theme important to me?
I can’t fully elaborate in less than 500 words, which is why it is a recurring theme. The most pressing reason however is the fact that when I watch our political leadership, the parties as well as certain individuals, I am saddened by the intense effort given to subdivide our national humanity into groups, in many cases pitting citizens against each other. The media capitalizes on this, further enhancing our demise. In the eyes of many, much of the media actually drives our division.
Do you think demise is too intense a word? When you consider our national motto, e pluribus unum, “out of many, one,” I don’t.
I believe with all my heart that if we focus on the principles, laws and relationships which are non-respecter of person issues, we will become more empathetic, compassionate and unified.
I am keenly aware that for many the holiday season tends to be the most difficult time of the year. I personally know countless individuals of all backgrounds who are experiencing difficult, painful times. Therefore, next week, the first “non-respecter of person” issue I will address in 2017 will be pain!
In closing, each week after the print edition is released, my articles will be placed on my Facebook page ( – and I would love to hear your thoughts on these subjects there!
I hope you have a blessed week!
Scott Cooper
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