This Week:

This Week:

Suzanne was gracious enough to offer me this space for editorials before the evolution of my decision to run and serve on Edgefield County Council.  Tuesday I was sworn in to serve the Merriwether District on County Council – and I wanted to part from my editorials to briefly share my hope as I begin my tenure.

First of all, it is not my intent to use this space to discuss county business.  If I ever feel the need to highlight specific issues as it relates to county business, I will ask for an additional guest column, utilize my county e-mail distribution (citizens who have asked to receive my updates), in addition to using the other media venue’s available to all public servants.  This space will continue to be used for editorials on a broader spectrum of issues.

I do however believe as my tenure begins this week, it was worth telling you I am grateful for the opportunity to serve not only the Merriwether District, but the entire county.  Even though Suzy and I are relative new comers to Edgefield County, due to my family history here, during the course of the last three decades as we have moved around the country, and even a stint in Europe, I have utilized a fair amount of my time studying the demographics and financials of the entire CSRA, thinking we might choose to immigrate to this region some day!

I have looked forward to living in this region for a long time for a very wide range of reasons, not all of which can be listed today.  I will simply state that I believe we perhaps live in the most historic times for growth in this region since the introduction of The Savannah River Site in the 1950’s.  The stories of the challenges surrounding the growth during those early days simply intrigue me, as we grapple with the growth today.  Looking back with a long range view of decades, the region as a whole has done very well.

I hope you catch a theme, which I will use to guide my decision making as we move into the future.  We are part of a region.  Some understand that, and quite honestly some do not.  I do not believe Edgefield County will reach its full potential if we have an isolationist view of things.  We must work with all of our neighbors in order to ensure our neighborhoods and business communities grow in a way that provides the quality of life that all seeking to live here desire.  Some portions of our county will see tremendous change in the next decade, and I am a firm believer that “a rising tide raises ALL boats!”

If you would like to be on my periodical “Edgefield County Business” updates, please send an e-mail to with the title “Please Subscribe Me!”  Then include in the email your full name, address, phone number and any concerns or ideas you have.  I can also be reached at 803-293-5087

Many blessings to you and your family as we enter what I believe is going to be a tremendous new year!

Scott Cooper