Recently six families residing on Bell and Parrish Roads met with Mr. Fred West, Vice-President of Amick Processing. The meeting centered around a proposed By-Products Plant which would produce “High-End” pet food. The location is on Duncan Road in southern Saluda County between Parrish Road and Old Charleston Road.
The proposed plant would be built on approx. 685 acres of which there is no public water or sewer to date. The original proposal is to use wells for water, the local residents are afraid this will dry up their water supply. To dispose of their “waste” water, they intend to land apply ALL processed water from the facility onto 300 acres of grassland.
These proposals bring about many questions: • What amount of water can be drawn from wells before there is a significant effect on residential wells? • What is the effect of Land Application on the environment? • What adverse impacts will this proposal have on the community? i.e. land values, traffic, etc. • How would the construction of a second By-Products plant effect future economic development?
Before this facility is built, these and many other questions demand answers. Please join us, The Concerned Citizens of Duncan Road, for a community meeting on Monday, November 28, at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center in Ridge Spring. We thought these questions were answered 20 years go, but APPARENTLY they were not.
George Bartley, Paul Bartley, Denise Boatwright, Robert Boatwright