Legion Auxiliary: The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #30 will meet on Monday, January 20, at 3 p.m. at the Edgefield United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall.
Alliance Meeting: Edgefield County Alliance will meet Tues., Jan. 21 at 8 a.m. in the County Council Chambers. Topic: Safety Nets, Education, Work and Life Skills Dvp. For more info call Linda Anderson at 803-279-4138 or email to johnnyfanderson @bellsouth.net. Refreshments will be served and everyone is invited.
Edgefield County Theater:presents Bus Stop; January 17, 18, 24 and 25 at 8 p.m. and January 19 and 26 at 3 p.m. Call 803-637-3833 for tickets. Located at 405 Main Street, Edgefield. edgefieldtheatre.wordpress.com
Free Workshops: Edgefield/SC Works Center, 400 Church St, Rm. 306, Jan. 21, 10 AM Networkers Group Session – topic – “Let WorkKeys Work for You” Find out about this important skills assessment and how it affects you and your job search; 1:30 PM “Why I Can’t Get an Interview”; 3 PM “Computers for Beginners”; For further info call 637-4029.
Understanding Dementia Seminar: Agape Senior will host a seminar “Understanding Dementia ” in Edgefield, Thursday, Jan. 23, at 3 p.m. at the Edgefield County Senior Citizens Council. This free seminar is a great way that we can connect the families that need resources, support and assistance.
Appreciation Service: Mount Canaan Baptist Church, 2451 Edgefield Rd., Trenton, invites the public to worship with us in the Appreciation Service for our pastor, Rev. George L.Brightharp, for his 35 years of service to the church and communities, January 26, at 10 a.m.