A Mardi Gras Gala

A Mardi Gras Gala

A Party for Fun
And Raising Money

Three organizations are joining together to raise funds: Edgefield
Historical Society, Edgefield Cemetery Assoc. and Oakley Park. These
three entities were hit hard by Helene the Hurricane, and they have
banded together to find a way to give aid to the repairs they need to
do. And so, there will be a Party!
Mardi Gras is usually centered in New Orleans which carries on the
tradition of Fat Tuesday, a time to absorb all the fat one can eat before
Ash Wednesday. Lent follows – a time to give up what may be
hindering one’s progress both health wise and spiritual wise.
The real, traditional Mardi Gras is March 4 and some citizens will be
following their church directives to bring more order to their lives. The
event we have been referring to will tap into this colorful practice and
make it a fun time for History Games, a Silent Auction and more on the
night of March 1, 2025, to be held at the Discovery Center from 6:00 –
9:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale now and one can find, at the end of the
article, several ways for purchasing them.
How does one dress for such an event? The committee in charge says
“Dress Up!” Do you have an outfit based on history, an old
Confederate uniform or a WWII uniform; or your grandmother’s
wedding dress or just a day dress worn by an ancestor during the
Revolution? If such a selection is impossible, then evening attire, from
a long dress (preferably women) and the men black tie, or whatever
goes for a cocktail event. And wear a mask; some will be available for
those who don’t have one. Whatever you wear, don’t let the clothes
hold you back from coming. It will be fun and worth every effort.
The Discovery Center has rooms to explore, especially in the museum
area, and there will be time for the attendees to “flow” in their
movement about the Center. One room will house the Historical Trivia
(a game) space, where characters from Edgefield District’s and County’s

past will aid attendees in their work to discover who these characters
are – and clues may be available in the rooms visited. And what is
beneficial in accumulating clues is the great prize waiting for the one
who wins! (Be wary of giving away those clues; keep what you learn for
Beth Worth and Beth Francis will be up front to greet and assist the
Party Goers.
Music will be alive throughout – by Brooker Strom and Jesse Wood.
And the food will be a reminder of New Orleans – by caterer Mathew
Flemister. Add wine and beer to the food and entertainment and all are
included with the ticket.
Note the QR Code in the image accompanying this article. Use it to
access the site to buy a ticket. Promo Code is “couple”. Or, make a call
to Pao Lyn Hatch who is issuing tickets: phone 240-274-6180.
For Silent Auction and other pay-outs – cash, check, credit card or
electronic (smart phone, zelle, etc.)

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