1/28/21Last week was the 3rd week of the 2021 legislative session. There are 15 legislative weeks remaining before the General Assembly is scheduled to adjourn on May 13, 2021.HEARTBEAT – The Senate debated and passed S. 1 2021-2022 Bill 1: SC Fetal Heartbeat Protection from Abortion Act – South Carolina Legislature Online (scstatehouse.gov) , a bill that would prohibit abortions once a fetal heartbeat has been detected. The bill includes exceptions for life/health of the mother, rape, incest, and fatal fetal anomalies (those anomalies that cannot be remedied and are incompatible with life after birth). If the courts uphold the bill, it would eliminate more than ½ of all abortions performed in South Carolina. The bill will now go to the House of Representatives.DHEC DIRECTOR NOMINEE – The Board of the Department of Health and Environmental Control has nominated Dr. Edward Simmer to be the new Director of the agency. The Senate Medical Affairs Committee will hold a confirmation hearing on Tuesday. If the confirmation hearing goes well, I hope the full Senate will consider the nomination later this week. ADDITIONAL FUNDING TO SPEED UP COVID RESPONSE – Last week the House of Representatives passed H. 3707 2021-2022 Bill 3707: COVID-19 – South Carolina Legislature Online (scstatehouse.gov) , a bill that would spend $208M from the state’s reserve accounts to accelerate the distribution of the COVID vaccinations. The Senate Finance Committee will consider this resolution on Tuesday, and I hope the full Senate will take it up later this week.PAY INCREASE FOR TEACHERS – Because of the budget uncertainty from COVID, last year the legislature agreed to continue with spending levels from the previous fiscal year. In doing that, the legislature suspended the 2% step increases that most teachers receive annually. After receiving updated budget numbers in September, the Senate passed a resolution to provide teachers with that 2% increase, but the House was understandably concerned about the reliability of those revenue forecasts. Last week, after receiving more reliable budget projections, the House passed H. 3609 2021-2022 Bill 3609: Teacher salaries – South Carolina Legislature Online (scstatehouse.gov) , a resolution that would spend $50M to give teachers the 2% pay increase, retroactive to July 2020. The Senate Finance will consider that resolution on Tuesday, and I hope the full Senate will consider it later this week. COVID InformationSouth Carolina’s response to COVID has not been good. The roll out of the vaccine has been worse. I know you’re frustrated. I’m frustrated. I will provide more information as I learn it, but here’s what I know now:VIRUS NUMBERS – South Carolina’s infection rate is way too high. You can see the daily numbers here Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | SCDHEC. We have to do a better job of controlling the spread of the virus. Please wear a mask, avoid large crowds, and wash our hands frequently. We can all help this process if we take these steps.TESTING SITES – You can find COVID testing locations near you hereCOVID-19 Testing Locations | SCDHEC.VACCINE ELIGIBILITY – South Carolina is currently in Phase 1A of the vaccine distribution. Here’s who’s eligible to receive the vaccine under Phase 1A: Frontline healthcare workers who are high risk of exposure and mission-critical to the overarching goal of preventing deathResidents and staff of long-term care facilitiesAdmitted hospital patients who are aged 65 years and olderAnyone 70 years and olderState/local government employees and their contractors who are mission-critical for maintaining operations of COVID-19 vaccinations and testingYou can read more information about the phases and eligibility here COVID-19 Vaccine | SCDHEC.WHAT IF I’M NOT ELIGIBLE UNDER PHASE 1A? – DHEC estimates that Phase 1b eligibility will begin near the end of February and the remaining phases will follow. You can see more information about phases and eligibility here COVID-19 Vaccine | SCDHEC.HOW DO I GET THE VACCINE? – DHEC’s online map here VACCINE LOCATIONS FOR COVID-19 (arcgis.com) is live and updated daily. This online map shows the locations currently accepting appointments for COVID-19 vaccine and the map will provide the contact information for scheduling appointments at those locations. The map itself is not a way to schedule an appointment.You can also call DHEC’s Care Line at 855-472-3432 for assistance in locating the contact information for scheduling an appointment. The Care Linecannotschedule an appointment but can help provide the phone numbers of locations offering vaccine appointments. If you do not have internet or an email address, DHEC says that this is the way to schedule an appointment.Appointments should be scheduled because walk-ins may not be able to receive the vaccine.You will be asked to provide a driver’s license or other form of ID at your appointment to confirm your age in order to receive vaccine.The hours of operation for the appointment scheduling phone line for each location depends on the location — not DHEC.Like all states, South Carolina currently has a limited supply of COVID-19 vaccine. Therefore, some locations offering vaccine may not have an appointment available for several days or weeks depending on the vaccine supply and demand.WHAT IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET OR EMAIL? – DHEC says that people without internet and/or email access should call the DHEC Care line at 855-472-3432 for help in connecting with a provider.I’VE HEARD MY APPOINTMENT MIGHT BE CANCELED BECAUSE SC DOESN’T HAVE ENOUGH DOSES – DHEC says that the provider will cancel the appointment if vaccine is not available. Do not assume that your appointment is cancelled based on media reports about the vaccine supply.HOW IS SOUTH CAROLINA DOING IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE VACCINE? – As of Sunday, January 17, South Carolina had received 313,100 doses and has administered 158,232. You can keep up with how many doses we have received and administered here COVID-19 Vaccine Allocations in South Carolina | SCDHEC. This site is updated daily. COVID InformationSCDOT ROAD PROJECTS – SCDOT has an interactive map to allow citizens to see the road and bridge projects going on around the state. You can see that map here.How is the gas tax being used? – SCDOT’s website allows you to view a detailed revenue statement and project list that is funded by the Infrastructure Maintenance Trust Fund (IMTF). SCDOT updates this site monthly as the revenue comes in. You can see that report here.WANT TO SEE THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN ACTION? – The Senate meets in statewide session on Tuesdays at 2:00, Wednesdays at 12:00, and Thursdays at 11:00. Committees and subcommittees meet Tuesday mornings, Wednesday mornings, and Thursday mornings. You can watch live coverage of the Senate, House of Representatives, and committees here.OUR SENATE DISTRICT – Senate District 25 consists of all of Edgefield County and parts of Aiken, Lexington, McCormick, and Saluda Counties. If you’d like to see the district map, go here. VOTING RECORD – If you’d like to see how I’ve voted on issues, go here. You can always check to see how I vote by going to my website,www.senatormassey.com, and clicking on the “Voting Record” tab.SPEAKING WITH GROUPS – Several groups, clubs, and classes around our Senate district have invited me to attend their meetings and provide legislative updates. If you would like for me to come speak with your group, please let me know. EMAIL UPDATES – If you know of people in or around District 25 who do not receive my updates but would like to get them, please email their names and email addresses to me. You can also forward this email to them and encourage them to sign up for the updates at www.senatormassey.com. Sincerely, Shane Massey P.O. Box 551 Edgefield, SC 29824 Email: shanemassey@scsenate.gov Cell Phone: (803) 480-0419P.S. Please visit www.senatormassey.com for more posts, news, and video updates. Also, please “friend” me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter (@shanemassey). |