ATE: Covid, Students and the Penny Tax

What are your expectations as teachers or parents/guardians regarding being notified if a teacher, another student or a teacher or student’s family member is COVID-19 positive and that student or adult attends your child’s school, grade level, or class?


The answer to this question was already in the works. SCDHEC is now publishing COVID-19 cases in all schools in South Carolina. The data SCDHEC is providing can be found at DHEC will provide a school report that includes for every school, both cumulative and rolling 30-day counts of confirmed cases among students, teachers and faculty members, and it will be updated on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. There is lag time in SCDHEC’s reporting.

Why are you supporting or not supporting the penny sales tax on the ballot November 3?

Leave your response below or email your answers to Please include your name and contact information. Your contact information will not be posted.