A call Dec. 28 to law enforcement regarding three pit bulls in an apartment on Woodyard Road in Trenton that were barking and being a nuisance resulted in the arrest of a wanted man. According to the ECSO report, prior to the arrival of deputies to the incident location, they were advised by dispatch that a subject with an active magistrate bench warrant against him was at the scene. When deputies arrived at the apartment housing the reported dogs, a man answered the door and identified himself to law enforcement as being the man wanted for the outstanding warrant. The man stepped into the breezeway outside the apartment, but when he was told he was being arrested for having an outstanding warrant, the man became irate and attempted to go back into the apartment. A struggle then ensued between law enforcement and the man as the deputies attempted to place the man under arrest. The man was ultimately arrested and taken to the Edgefield County Detention Center. The initial complainant was advised to contact the landlord of the establishment regarding the dogs being in the apartment especially if dogs are not permitted. The wanted man was arrested for the outstanding warrant charge but will also now be facing the additional charge of resisting arrest.
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