Nat’l Girl Scout Cookie Weekend 2018

 Nat’l Girl Scout Cookie Weekend 2018

Girl Scouts sold cookies, Saturday morning, assisted by their Troop Leader (center) Beverly Griffith.


Girl Scouts of South Carolina-Mountains to Midlands joined other Girl Scout councils across the United States February 23–25 to participate in National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend 2018.


Local Girls Scouts participating in the cookie sales on Saturday morning in Edgefield County were: Kate Griffith, Sphia Herz, Brooklin Lanphear, Makaylie Mathis, Khira Mathis, Tarajai Phillips, Lillie Stocum and Lydia Wherry.


This celebration rings in a new century of fun, learning, and excitement that selling cookies has powered for girls over the past 101 years. The weekend will highlight some of the most creative and successful Girl Scout Cookie entrepreneurs from the 22 counties our council covers in western South Carolina and the midlands, as well as the positive change that cookie earnings make possible in every community we serve. One hundred percent of the net revenue girls raise through the cookie program funds local Girl Scout council and troop programs and community projects. Customers who purchase cookies are making an important investment in their community and supporting fun and formative leadership experiences for girls.


National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend offers enterprising girls a chance to show off their cookie-selling skills by participating in booth, door-to-door, and digital sales throughout the country. Scouts selling cookies near you, visit or use the official Girl Scout Cookie Finder app, free on iOS and Android devices.  The Girl Scout Cookie Program runs through March 18.
