The Women’s Club of Johnston is planning their Annual Fashion Show and Luncheon for April 22, 2017, at 10:30 a.m. at the United Methodist Church on Lee Street, Johnston.
Acclaimed as one of the most professional events in the County, a large audience fills the JUMC Fellowship Hall to see fresh spring fashions models of all ages, to be served a delightful luncheon course made and served by skilled hands, and to sit at dining tables especially decorated with personal china and silver of the members. And an added feature, there are numerous door prizes awarded to many, at least one person per table.
The Women’s Club has a leadership of four in charge: President, Deborah Henderson; Vice President, Robin Hagaman; secretary, Bobbie Pullon; Treasurer, Carlene Holmes.
Each year they choose a theme that determines the décor and ambiance. This year it is “Magnolia Boutique.” The program chairman is Doris Rhodes. The fashions for the event will be coming from Cabi Fashions.
Tickets are available from any member or by calling Robin Hagaman at 803-480-9081. The proceeds go for a scholarship given to a deserving senior, Edgefield County High school.
It must be noted that this event is often sold out!