Supporting public policy to fight cancer on the Hill

Supporting public policy to fight cancer from Edgefield to Capitol Hill

Last week, I traveled to Washington, D.C., with more than 700 of my fellow American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) volunteers from across the country to urge Congress to support lifesaving policies that help people prevent and better treat cancer. I called on lawmakers to increase federal funding for cancer research, support legislation to improve patient quality of life and remove cost barriers to colorectal cancer screenings for seniors.

When I met with Senator Tim Scott’s and Congressman Jeff Duncan’s staff, I told them that Congress should seize these opportunities to put partisanship aside and make ending cancer as we know it a top national priority.

I let our lawmakers know that people and families touched by cancer in South Carolina and across the country are counting on them to support legislation that would help make cancer history. With one in two men and one in three women being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, we can’t let this year pass without taking legislative action on these important issues.

I know our conversation made a difference in the halls of Congress, and I encourage you to add your voice. Visit to be connected to people like me in your community.

Lynn Rearden

Volunteer, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN)

Edgefield, SC