The South Carolina Prescribed Fire Council will talk about the importance of fire to bobwhite quail and wild turkeys during its annual meeting Sept. 21-22 at the National Wild Turkey Federation’s Palmetto Shooting Complex in Edgefield.
Johnny Stowe, S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR) representative to the Prescribed Fire Council, says the theme for this year’s meeting will be “Burning for Fire Birds,” to emphasize the inextricable link between fire and grassland birds such as bobwhite quail and wild turkey. Herbert Stoddard, the world’s first fire scientist and one of the Fathers of Wildlife Management, named the bobwhite the “Fire Bird,” when he proved that it was dependent on frequent fire to provide quality habitat.
“The National Wild Turkey Federation is excited to host the South Carolina Prescribed Fire Council’s annual meeting, and we consider this a great opportunity to show our support for prescribed fire,” said Lynn Lewis-Weis, National Wild Turkey Federation conservation field supervisor. “Prescribed fire, when used in combination with other habitat work like timber thinning, is incredibly important for creating more and better turkey habitat, ensuring healthy and huntable turkey populations for years to come.”
Meeting details such as registration and speakers are still in progress, and will be publicized in mid-summer. For more information, contact Lewis-Weis at
“We are delighted to be having the meeting this year at the National Wild Turkey Federation’s new world-class shooting facility,” said Stowe. “We held our first meeting at the National Wild Turkey Federation’s main headquarters back in 2004, and the council and all the prescribed burning community have made huge strides since then.”