The Edgefield County Republican Party has canceled plans for a Town Hall for June 4 and instead is having an organizational meeting on June 2, with the possibility of hearing from the three Republican candidates for Solicitor, Circuit 11. They have been invited to the Thursday, June 2 meeting. The following press release gives the details of the meeting.
The Edgefield County Republican Party is inviting its members to their meeting on June 2nd. The meeting will be n the Sweetwater Community Center at 296 Sweetwater Road, at 7 p.m,. near Cooper Place Subdivision. There are vacancies in several of our GOP positions. They include Vice Chairman, Executive Committeeman, Secretary and Treasurer. Anyone wishing to fill any of these positions, please feel free to attend to be elected by fellow Republicans. Also, all three Candidates for Solicitor Circuit 11 have been invited to talk about their campaigns. They include Rick Hubbard from Lexington, Candice Lively from Lexington and Larry Wedekind from Chapin.
Please bring membership dues. Except for a few, everyone else is not paid in full. We will be using this money to improve our meetings. Cash and checks are accepted. Submitted
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