The print edition of The Edgefield Advertiser is starting a new series which should be of interest to all ages, including students of the Revolutionary Period, especially. The author has written an introduction which follows, here, explaining the substance of the articles, called “Time Traveler.” Find an introduction to the author, Gwen Spivey, also, on the front page of this week’s (Mar. 9) edition.

A Word From the Author – Gwen Spivey
Have you ever stopped and pondered – Who do I come from? What was life like for my ancestors? How did they live before electricity, motorized transportation and advances in medicine? What did they eat if there were no fast food chains or restaurants? Luckily, our ancestors left us clues, primary source documents that tell what life was like and how they survived. Much of that can be found right here in Edgefield. We are blessed to have a treasure trove of documents, books and family history right here in our own town square. The Archives and Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society house the answers to many of the questions you have about your people. We are all a unique tapestry, many threads woven to make us who we are. Each thread represents a person. The good, the bad, the ugly…each and every one leaves a mark in our DNA. While I can’t tell you about your “peeps”(Tonya Guy and Staff at OEDGS and Edgefield Archives can help you get started), I can tell you how they lived. Join me as I Time Travel back to Colonial South Carolina. You will “live” among them throughout our journey. We will learn day to day colonial life, comparing and contrasting back country to coastal living-What they ate, how they lived, the tools they used and just how resourceful and resilient they were. As we explore, take the time to trace your family roots, tell your children and grandchildren your memories of times gone by, involve them in discovering who they are.