This is an intriguing story of an industrious youth. The article was sent to The Advertiser for publication. The sender notes that Kylah’s “location is Edgefield, S.C.” Also, she is a student at JET Middle School. Ed. Note
TicTocRings was born after Kylah decided she was going to change her family’s predicament. She began talking to her aunt about helping her to start a girl’s jewelry fashion line. She and her aunt soon came up with the brilliant idea of creating a line of watch rings that would incorporate different designs and color schemes and also appeal to tween girls by the masses. However, Kylah’s aunt was not much of an artist so Kylah, who could draw very well, became the designer and CEO. Kylah sought to create a piece of jewelry for tweens that she could add her own artistry to. After her aunt had 2 prototypes made, Kylah chose the watch ring that would allow her to incorporate her original art designs. It was her goal to appeal to every girl’s unique personality and sense of style, with designed themes ranging from Hearts, Butterflies, Peace Signs and Initials. Kylah’s dedication and willingness to learn the promotion and marketing aspects of her business helped to get her product into the market place fairly quickly. Kylah made her first sales pitch to a manufacturing representative called Toy Travelers in NC. The company’s reps quickly requested samples of the watch rings after seeing pictures of them via email. They were elated by how novel the rings were and decided to represent the line. Kylah continues her unique style of sales pitching and is having much success. She is working to build a strong and financially sound business so that one day, in the near future, she will be able to offer her jewelry line to major retailers like Walmart and Target. Submitted One may be able to find more about Tic Tocrings at www.tictocrings.com