Johnston Farmers & Artists Market: Annual Holiday Market on Thursday, Dec. 3, from 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. In addition to our weekly offerings Johnston United Methodist Church will be selling BBQ Sandwiches and our cookbook, “Delightfully Divine”. Darla Steele’s FFA class will have Christmas Wreaths made with fresh greens. This will end our market for the season. Contact Anne at 803-480-1093 or Donna at 803-275-0010 for more info.
Edgefield County Transportation Committee has cancelled their regular meeting for December 3, at the Edgefield County Council Chambers.
Call for Artists: Looking for artists to exhibit on historic Edgefield Town Square during the Home for the Holidays in December.For more info call Pamela at 803-637-7042 or e-mail
Free Workshops: Edgefield/SC Works Center, 400 Church St, Rm. 306, Edgefield,Tuesday, December 8, 10:00 AM Networkers Group Session – topic – “Job Search 2016”; 11 AM “Let the SC Works Online System Work for You”; 1:30 PM “Minimizing Stress”; 3 PM “Resume Clinic/Career Ready 101 Lab”; Thursday, December 10th, 2 PM “Let WorkKeys Work for You”; For further information telephone 637-4029.
Arts at the Academy: The Bettis Academy Heritage Preservation Team presents Arts at the Academy, “A Night of Culture” featuring, Miss Maykayla Dandy,( soprano) soloist, Graniteville, SC and Gentlemen of Distinction (Dancers), Columbia, SC Friday, Dec. 11, 6:00 pm at the Collins Building on Nicholson Road on the Bettis Academy campus. For ticket information, call Betty Butler, 275-4566 or Doris Blalock @ 637-5367 until Dec. 9.
Senior Program: Mt. Calvary Baptist Church is having their Senior Citizen Program,Saturday, December 12, @ 1:30 p.m. All Senior Citizens are invited.
Christmas on the Lawn: Walk of Faith Tabernacle Youth, 757 Hwy 121, Johnston will host Christmas on the Lawn Saturday, Dec. 12, at 5 p.m. Celebrate with Christmas songs from Johnston Elementary Chorus and local choirs. Refreshments will be served. Everyone is invited. For more info call Crystal Edwards at 480-9790.
Christmas Cantata: “Breath of Heaven” arranger Russell Mauldi, will be presented December 13,, at 6:00pm and December 14,, at 7:00pm by the Philippi Adult Choir, led by Valerie McClendon and accompanied by Wallace Watkins, Nursery will be provided. Please come and enjoy the beautiful music and the lights of the Living Christmas Tree. Philippi Baptist Church, 125 Steeple Rd, Johnston, S.C.
Christmas Program: Mt. Calvary Baptist Church is having their annual Christmas Program, Saturday December 19, @ 2:00 pm. This year we will be having a Christmas Play entitled “The Christmas Nativity” with our Senior Citivens. The public is invited. Rev. Lewis Burt is Pastor.