Erin Elaine Springs McCottry recently completed a summer Visual Arts program at the South Carolina Governor’s School of the Arts and Humanities. She was selected after applying and interviewing to be among the first class for Visual Arts. The school is located in Greenville and offers programs in Drama, Music, Dance, Creative Writing and Visual Arts. Out of 20 admitted there were only two girls with Erin being one of the two and the only African-American in her class. Erin’s instructors indicated at the closing reception-display of works and graduation that the program was very intense and that Erin was an excellent and skilled student. In June, Erin graduated from Dutchman Creek Middle School, and in August she will attend Northwestern High School in Rock Hill. Erin plants to attend the Governor’s School next summer and them complete her Junior and Senior years at the school.
Erin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron (Ericka) Springs McCottry of Rock Hill; granddaughter of Elaine Springs McCottry of Columbia and great granddaughter of Mildred M. Springs of Johnston ; and sister of Kyle Leonard Springs McCottry.