Heritage Jubilee: Edgefield’s Heritage Jubilee will be held Saturday, September 27. For more information call or email: (803)637-6687 or (803)637-1800 (swseawright@yahoo.com.) Edgefield Farmers and Artisans Market: Town Square, every Saturday until November from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Plants, vegetables, fresh eggs, crafts and more. Vendors welcome. Info: 706-631-5564. Johnston Farmers Market: with seasonal fruits & vegetables, baked goods, artist’s painting, etc. is held Thursday afternoons from 4 until 6 pm. School Supply Give Away: STHS Alumni classes 79-90 will be giving away school supplies on this Saturday, August 16, 2014 at The Edgefield Park on Columbia Road, from 10:00am till 12:00noon. For more info, please contact Jackie G. Kennion @ 803-341-1178, Cissy S. Penner @ 803-637-3094 or Cedric Williams @ 803-275-3380. Cupcakes & Cookies: A Taste of Pink will be selling pink cupcakes and pink sugar cookies this Friday, Aug. 15 from noon – 2 p.m. in front of Park Row Restaurant. The proceeds will go to fund cancer research. Movie Night: Cub Scout Pack 601 (Merriwether) is hosting a FREE MOVIE (RIO 2) and POPCORN this Saturday, Aug 16 (around dusk) at the Merriwether Community Center. Bring your family, blanket or favorite chair and enjoy a outdoor movie night before school starts back! Homecoming/Revival: Republican Grove Baptist Church will have Homecoming Service, Sunday, August 17, 2014, at 11 a.m. with Rev. Dr. Jasper Lloyd of Reedy Branch Baptist Church. Revival services will be held August 18-21 at 7 p.m. with revivalist Rev. Billy Smith of Building Kingdom Ministry. Everyone is welcome. Pastor: Rev. Willie Patten Homecoming/Revival: Pleasant Grove Baptist Church of Edgefield will have Homecoming August 17 with Sunday School at 10 a.m. and Homecoming at 11 a.m. with Rev. R.C. Holloway of Shaws Creek Baptist Church as guest minister. Revival will he held Aug. 18-21 with Rev. Karlton Howard as guest revivalist. Rev. Oscar W. Brown is pastor. Free Workshops: Edgefield/SC Works Center, 400 Church St, Rm. 306, Edgefield, Tuesday, Aug. 19, 10 AM Networkers Group Session – topic – “Breaking Barriers” ; 11 AM “Job Search Lab”; 1:30 PM “Behavioral Interviewing”; 3 PM “Financial Management”; Thursday, August 21, 2 PM “Let WorkKeys Work for You” For further info telephone 637-4029. STHS Class of 74 Reunion: Sat., Oct 4 from 8 – midnight; $40 a person; Food, Music, Dancing Fun & Fellowship at Pine Ridge Country Club, Edgefield: Payments go to Embre Bernard Scurry, 212 Soft Stone Dr., Blythewood, SC 29016. Classes of 73 and 75 invited; Chks. Due by Aug. 20. For info call Pamela McKie Foster at 803-530-0532. Back to School Forum: There will be a Back to School Youth Forum hosted by Mt. Canaan’s Boys and Girls Clubs, Aug. 23, from 11 a.m to 1 p.m. Topics of discussion: Suicide, Bullying, Self-Esteem, and Depression. Lunch will be provided. Brown Family Reunion: The family reunion for the descendants of Perry and Ruth Ella Brown will be Sunday, Aug. 24, at 1 p.m. at the Corps of Engineers Recreation Area, Shelter 1, Parksville, S.C. Bring a covered dish and tea/lemonade or soft drink of choice. Cups, napkins, silver, ice and some tea provided. Contact Joyce McDaniel Koff at 803-279-1416. CALLING ALL PHOTOGRAPHERS! Friends of the Edgefield County Library invite you to participate in a Photo Exhibit September 18 – October 17. Original photos of historical interest (building, person, object, place, etc.). Three photos per photographer. No photo larger than 11×14″, approximately 2″ mat, framed in thin black and white metal frame. Deliver photos to the Library no later than Monday, September 15th. Friends of the Library request a 25% donation from all sales. RSVP laurel.blossom@earthlink.net or call 803-640-0625.
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