SHARE: Presents Charles Brown, STHS grad, advocate for fathers, speaker; Thursday, June 26, at 5:30 p.m., W.E. Parker Elementary, 21 Crest Rd., Edgefield. Public invited. For more info, 803-637-4020. Edgefield Farmers and Artisans Market: Town Square, every Saturday until November from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Plants, vegetables, fresh eggs, crafts and more. Vendors welcome. Info: 706-631-5564. Johnston Farmers Market: There will be seasonal fruits & vegetables, baked goods, artist’s painting, etc. The market will continue on Thursday afternoons from 4 until 6 pm. Women in Unity Summer Camps: Summer Enrichment July 28-August 15; Cost is $100 per camp per child. Time is 8:30- 2:00 with breakfast and lunch served. Call Essie at 637-2010 or come visit at 3 Pecan Park, Edgefield. Ministries: House of David Embassy International Ministries, 510 Augusta Rd., Edgefield; Services Sundays at 9 a.m.; Tuesdays – Enrichment Hour 6:45 p.m.; and Thursdays at noon Hour of Power; Friday – 27 at 7 p.m. “Celebrating God Making Room for Us” and June 28, 10 a.m. meet at Edgefield’s Oakley Park. Free Workshops: Edgefield/SC Works Center, 400 Church St, Rm. 306, Edgefield, Tuesday, July 1, 10 AM Networkers Group Session – topic – “Employment Scams”; 11 AM “Job Search Lab” 1:30 PM “Resume Construction”; 3:00 PM “Job References Matter”; Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM “Let WorkKeys Work for You” For further information telephone 637-4029.
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