The National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) awarded a $5,000 National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Collegiate Scholarship to Zayne Aldrich of Neosho, Missouri.
Aldrich is wrapping up his senior year at Neosho High School while maintaining a 3.79 GPA, ranking near the top of his graduating class. He is a member of the National Honor Society, president of his high school’s FFA chapter and plans to major in wildlife management when he enrolls at Crowder College this fall.
The NWTF funded scholarship is administered by the National FFA Organization and requires that candidates are supportive of and actively involved in wildlife conservation and the preservation of the nation’s hunting heritage.
“I am an avid deer, turkey and dove hunter. I also love trapping and fishing,” said Aldrich. “I would like to become a conservation officer because I want to help protect the future of our wildlife.”
Aldrich is also active in the creation of new hunters, assisting with hunter safety education classes.
“Individuals like Zayne are the ones who will ensure the health of our wildlife and future hunting opportunities are secure for generations to come,” said Christine Rolka, NWTF director of education. “Students pursuing degrees and careers in wildlife and habitat conservation will always have the NWTF in their corner.”
The NWTF has funded the FFA scholarship since 1998, contributing nearly $100,000. State and chapter level support from the NWTF totals an additional $100,000 in financial contributions for FFA programs and activities.
The NWTF Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt. initiative is a charge that mobilizes science, fundraising and devoted volunteers to give the NWTF more energy and purpose than ever. Through this national initiative, NWTF has committed to raising $1.2 billion to conserve and enhance more than 4 million acres of essential upland wildlife habitat, create at least 1.5 million hunters and open access to 500,000 acres for hunting, shooting and outdoor enjoyment. Without hunters, there will be no wildlife or habitat. The NWTF is determined to Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt.