The Edgefield County Theater Company is preparing a new musical, SUNNY DAY. With words and music by Edgefield resident, Leonard Todd, it will have its world premiere in April of 2013.
Auditions for FIVE CAST MEMBERS will be held at the Discovery Center, 405 Main St. in Edgefield, on SUNDAY, DEC. 9TH at 6:00 PM. Roles to be filled: two men (ages 20-28 and 35-55) and three women (age 18-25; age 35-55; and age 35-65, an important role for an African American woman.) All players must be able to sing. Everyone, experienced in the theater or not, is welcome! For more information, call 803.637.3833.
Only 2 1/2 more weeks till auditions for the hilarious Neil Simon comedy, “The Odd Couple”–female version at the Edgefield County Theater in downtown Edgefield!! Wonderful parts for 6 women and 2 men….2 wild and crazy “Spanish guys” who truly steal one scene in particular in the show! Female roles are: Olive, Florence, Sylvie, Renee, Mickey and Vera…all have some VERY funny lines and scenes!Show dates are Feb. 1-3 and Feb. 8-10. Rehearsals will be Sundays at 5 pm and Tues. and Thurs. at 7 p.m. Mark your calendars now and come try-out for this FUN show! Audition dates are: Sunday, December 2nd at 1 p.m. and Monday, December 3rd at 7 p.m. Directed by Kelly Harris.