American Legion Golf Tournament

American Legion Golf Tournament

The Jesse C. Lynch American Legion Post 71 of North Augusta will host the 4th Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, October 22, 2012 at Mount Vintage Plantation Golf Club.

The day’s activities will start with a 10:00am registration and will include a Luncheon followed by a 12:30pm Shotgun start.  The tournament is a 4-person, Captain’s choice, handicapped scramble.  Team fee is $320 or individual entry is $80.  Practice area is available.  There will be prizes, hole-in-one BMW, awards, raffles and a live auction for your participation.  Sign up by Oct 15.  The tournament will be limited to 120 players.

This is an annual fundraising charity tournament with proceeds going to the Post 71 Building Fund.  Entry forms may be downloaded from the Legion website, or picked from other convenient locations listed on the website.  For questions or further details, call Art Biggs at (803) 341-9888 or Walt Smith at (803) 832-1657.