Beginning this September, young and young-at-heart readers will thrill to the weekly adventure stories of a boy named Bill and his dog, Piper. The Piper Tales, written by local author Penny L. Hunt, are published by The Edgefield Advertiser both in traditional print and on line. Each adventure leads to the next in a “to be continued…” serial format that will make you laugh, cry and cheer out loud!
Piper Tales begins with three puppies left in the dark of night at the gates of a small school in rural South Carolina. For a time, they find shelter in a drainage pipe and live on bits of bologna sandwiches shared by the students. But what will happen when a tropical storm sweeps across the county unleashing its fury with a record rainfall? …
About the Author
Penny Hunt is the author of an bestselling children’s book, Little White Squirrel’s Secret–A Special Place To Practice, contributor to the Chicken Soup series, newspaper columnist, popular on-line devotions writer with and member of the National Speakers Association.
Her latest book Bounce! – Don’t Break! for Military Wives, a collection of stories and reflections to encourage women through times of change and keep them connected to God, is scheduled for release this Fall.