Merriwether Community Coalition Meeting
Tuesday, August 28th – 6:30 pm
Merriwether Elementary School – Cafeteria
Planning for our future and giving a voice to Merriwether are goals of the Merriwether Community Coalition. This is an open invitation to join in this process.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, August 28th at 6:30 pm at the Merriwether Elementary School – cafeteria.
The Merriwether Community Coalition will host a panel discussion – “Merriwether Community: Planning For Our Future.” The purpose of the panel discussion is to inform and encourage citizens to work with our elected officials and appointees in the process of planning our future.
Dr. David Hughes, Professor and program leader for Clemson Extension Community Development Activities, will be making a short presentation at the meeting discussing ways he and his department, utilizing faculty and students could be of assistance in creating a strategic plan tailored specifically to the Merriwether community. At our initial community wide meeting Dr. Hughes gave an example of the strategic plan they helped prepare for Fairplay, SC. This will be important information for our community to consider.
Moderator – Mike Rosier (former editor Citizens News)
Participating Panelists will be:
Genia Blackwell – County Council District 5 Representative & Vice Chairman
Dean Campbell – County Council District 3 Representative & Chairman
Bill Clyburn – House of Representative District 82nd
Shane Massey – Senator District 25
Joey Smith – Fire Chief – Merriwether Fire District
Adell Dobey – Sheriff Edgefield County
Lynn Strom – Administrator, Edgefield County
Roger LeDuc – Edgefield County Department of Roads & Bridges
Todd Glover Administrator – City of North Augusta
The Edgefield County Council approved a Strategic Plan for the county. This can be found on their website at:
For further information, please feel free to give me a call at (803)279-4138. Or e-mail: Linda Anderson at: