Ben Dodson and Kevin Freeland of Wardlaw Academy receive an award for a trip with their fathers to the Cabela’s CLUB Whittington Adventure July 21 at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, N.M. From left are: Brian Dodson, NWTF Chief Conservation Officer James Earl Kennamer, Ben Dodson, Kevin Freeland and Allen Freeland.
EDGEFIELD, S.C. –Wardlaw Academy Shooting Team members Kevin Freeland and Ben Dodson were recently awarded a trip to the Cabela’s CLUB Whittington Adventure at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, N.M. They will be accompanied by their fathers, Allen Freeland and Brian Dodson.
The National Wild Turkey Federation recommended the Wardlaw Shooting Team for the Cabela’s award, which is valued at $13,000. Wardlaw selected the participants through a random drawing.
“Congratulations to these two young men and the Wardlaw Shooting Team,” said NWTF Chief Conservation Officer James Earl Kennamer. “The next generation is the future of conservation, and we’re excited about working with Cabela’s to send four members of our community to the NRA Whittington Center.”
At the NRA Whittington Center, youth learn about firearms and experience the thrill of tracking and stalking big game, all under the guidance of the most skilled firearms instructors and outdoor specialists in the nation. Instructors teach the fundamentals of pistol, rifle, muzzleloading and shotgun shooting skills with safety always foremost in mind.
To help raise funds for programs such as these, you can attend the NWTF Hunting Heritage Fundraising Banquet in Edgefield on Nov. 15. For more information about supporting conservation and the Edgefield community through the Edgefield Chapter of the NWTF, contact Burt Carey at (803) 637-7694 or bcarey@nwtf.net.