Chad Connelley, Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party was the featured speaker at a joint meeting of the Republican Women of Edgefield County and the Edgefield County Republican Party.
On Monday April 16th, in the auditorium at Piedmont Technical College, Mr. Connelly addressed an enthusiastic group which included County Council Chairman Dean Campbell, County Treasurer Arlene Traxler, Senator Shane Massey, representing the 25th District, and 1st District County Council Candidate William Smith.
South Carolinians set a record for numbers voting in the January 2012 primary election, Mr. Connelley reported to the group, with more than 607,000 votes cast. Keeping the first in the South primary is a priority for South Carolina; at the Republican National Committee conference in Phoenix later this week, he plans to fight to retain South Carolina’s position.
Mr. Connelly also admonished everyone to participate in the electoral process; ‘if there’s ever been a time to be involved, this is it.’ He encouraged participants to attend the 2012 Silver Elephant Dinner in Columbia on May 19th, where the featured speaker is Senator Marco Rubio. For more information, visit